Microsoft Office 2016 Free Download 64 Bit (PC)
Microsoft Office 2016 Full Version Download 64 Bit Free. As you may already know, this is a bundle of office applications designed for data processing and number crunching. This package includes popular applications like MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more. In this article, we’ll provide the latest links to download Microsoft Office 2016 crack for free. Despite its name suggesting a 2016 release, this software actually became available in early 2017, causing some confusion about the version. However, there’s no need to worry about that because there is no Office 2017; you should indeed opt for the 2016 version.
Up to this date, Microsoft Office 2016 continues getting updates in terms of performance, tools and security. Even though there is currently a Microsoft Office 2019 version available, it seems there are still many who are still using this old version because of how easy and familiar this application is.
We’ve tried this software and in overall, there was a lot going on with this program. Especially on the interface display design and animation window effects. This program getting more minimalist, cooler and richer features or tools. The biggest update on this version is one of the functions to upload online documents. Can be uploaded to or to BI and ability to collaborate in real-time on documents. Do you want to try this before buying it officially? Check out the Microsoft Office 2016 Free Download 64 Bit Full Version down below.
Microsoft Office 2016 Full Version Features :
- Additional Ribbon Buttons
- Enhanced Collaboration between application
- New Outlook Mentions
- New and Improved Connection Options for Excel
- You can now publish your file directly to
- There’s even another publishing online features to Power BI
- All new ms word researcher toolbar
- There’s a new “suggest a feature” button on the file > feedback
- All new text highlighter
- Offline Installer without connection
- Crack and Product Key included in the folder
- Powerpoint now can zoom with a new toolbar
- You need to update KB2999226 for Windows 7 or Windows 8
- Skype new integration
System Requirements :
Operating System | Windows 7, 8.1, 10 | Support 32 bit & 64 bit |
Processor | Intel Dual-Core | Intel Core Processor 2Ghz+ |
Memory | 4GB DDR3 | 8GB DDR4 |
Hard Drive | 20 GB – 7200 RPM HDD | 20 GB – Solid State Disk |
Graphics Card | Integrated GPU | Dedicated GPU |
Screen Resolution | 1366×768 | 1920×1080 |
How to Install Microsoft Office 2016 Full Version :
- Download microsoft office 2016 32 bit or 64 bit.
- Extract files with the latest WinRAR.
- Run and Install KB2999226 for Windows 7/8 only.
- Next, open the Setup.exe, wait until its finished.
- Use Crack KMS_VL_AIO to Activate – Use number 2.
- Or use KMSpico to activate office, microsoft office 2016 activator.
- Read the Readme.txt file for more information.
- Enjoy!
Note :
If the program asking for a serial number or product key, use these following.
Professional Plus
Project 2016 Professional
Visio 2016 Professional
Microsoft Office 2016 Free Download 64 Bit (PC)

Installer AIO (64 Bit) | QiwiGG | DooDrive | Pixeldrain |
Installer AIO (32 Bit) | Pixeldrain | FKFast | GoFile |
Password :
Minta solusi bang…
Error 1923 office Sofware protection platform. Komputer Windows 7 64 bit
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Gan itu linknya ngak kebalik 64-bit tapi 32-bit yah ???
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Terima kasih sir
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