Download Age Of Empires 2 Full Version Definitive
Download Age Of Empires 2 Full Repack Definitive Edition Free. Embark on a nostalgic journey with Age of Empires II in its Definitive Edition, revamped by Microsoft in 2019. This updated version showcases enhanced graphics, featuring high-definition textures and impressive shader objects that elevate the visual experience. The revamped character animations add depth to the gameplay, while the introduction of a new civilization and storyline provides both familiarity and freshness to players.
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition is up for grabs at $19.99 USD for new players. But if you already own Age of Empires II: HD Edition on Steam, you get a sweet discount, bringing the price down to just $14.99 USD. And for those who prefer buying from the Microsoft Store, the same $14.99 USD deal applies.
Yeah, it’s not the cheapest game out there, but for a legendary strategy title like this, every penny is totally worth it. Plus, if you’ve already conquered AOE II and are itching for something new, guess what? Age of Empires 4 is officially out now!
Developed collaboratively by Forgotten Empires, Tantalus, and Wicked Witch, Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition comprises all previously released content from the game, now with graphics supporting up to 4K resolution. Notably, this edition introduces four new civilizations – the Bulgarians, Cumans, Lithuanians, and Tatars – expanding the total count of civilizations to 35 and enriching the game’s diverse gameplay.
Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition System Requirements
- OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (64 Bit Only).
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 Ghz or better, AMD Athlon X2 2.8 Ghz or better.
- Memory: 4 GB RAM.
- Graphics: Nvidia GTX 650 / AMD HD 5850.
- DirectX: Version 11.
- Storage: 30 GB available space.
This Release Includes:
- Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (Base Game).
- Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition – The Mountain Royals (DLC).
- Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition – Return of Rome (DLC).
- Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition – Dynasties of India (DLC).
- Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition – Dawn of the Dukes (DLC).
- Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition – Lords of the West (DLC).
- Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition – Enhanced 4K Graphics Pack (DLC).
How to Install Game Age Of Empires 2 Full Repack
- Download Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Full Version.
- Disable Antivirus and Windows Defender Antivirus first!
- Extract file with the latest Winrar App or use 7-Zip.
- Mount the ISO file to your computer.
- Open Setup.exe to start the installation.
- Also open the Update file 99311.exe.
- Install Update 99311 – 107882.exe.
- Update 107882 – 117204.exe.
- Play the game from the Desktop shortcut.
- Enjoy brother!
NOTES : File Hosting are INTERCHANGEABLE. So if there are missing parts in one hosting, you can download from other links, it is just the same file. Mirror Link Download: PixelDrain, Mediafire, FileUpload
Age Of Empires 2 Free Download + DLC

Link Download | Pixeldrain | Mediafire | |
Update v117204 | Mediafire | Pixeldrain | |
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bang gue gak bisa download, pas mau di extract gak bisa trs
bang, ini gw downloadnya terpisah, semuanya harus d extract 1 1 kah? tdi gw nyoba filenya udh ad pdhl baru extract part 1, “already exist” sizenya 16gb itu udh semua kah? jujur gw kg ngerti
Download 4 Part. Taro di satu folder yg sama. Nanti extract part1 aja. Search youtube “Cara extract file winrar part”. Udah banyak banget tutorialnya.
Cara biar gamenya bisa dibuka tanpa internet gmana bang? Klo nyambung wifi gamenya bisa dibuka, kalo gak nyambung wifi gamenya gak mau kebuka
Mas kok game nya pas saya jalanin langsung force close ya, saya cek di Task Manager nama gamenya cuma muncul beberapa detik abis itu hilang
Dari awal install sampe main kondisi windows defender udah mati blm?
udah bang
“Game failed to initialized Steam. You must have Steam running” ini kenapa ya bang?
ini bisa multiplayer ? karena aku ggak liat di deskripsi diatas
Engga bisa gan. Paling pake online-fix crack. Search di google. Webnya bahasa russia.
i cant seem to launch the game at all, any solutions?
note:i already followed each instructions, but still cant launch.
Install aplikasi steam. Login. Jalanin game dari file steam_loader.exe
steam_loader.exe tuh dimana?
Ada di dalam folder game terinstall seharusnya.
udah saya ikutin langkah langkahnya termasuk login steam tapi pas di running, dibilang “game failed to initialize steam. you must have steam running”
Coba jalanin gamenya dari file steam_loader.exe di folder game. Trus pas install dan setelah install, apakah windows defendernya dinyalain? Kemungkinan file cracknya terhapus oleh AV, makanya jadi gak jalan setelah install.
when i play skirmiss, and play like 5 minutes i got crashed or force closed. any solution? thanks
the game can’t launch without steam
help… any suggestions?
1. Download & install VCredist C++ 2022 :
2. Then install & Download DirectX Runtime :
3. Run game from steamclient_loader.exe
after download it, i cant find the ISO file, after unpack the filw only had 3 doc. i already disable windows defender but still not working.
AOE2DE.part1.rar to AOE2DE.part4.rar did you download this? 19GB total.