Download Cities Skylines Full Crack v1.17 PC Game
Free Download Cities Skylines Full Crack With DLC – It is the best modern simulator game of building and developing cities. This game introduces various unique game elements where you can experience the thrill of building, living and managing a big city. However, there is only a standard single-player mode to play in which you choose from a handful of maps. Moreover, there are two other great features involved in this game, establishing districts and its policies. This allows for the creation of governments with separate identities.
While it is quite easy to play this game, but without decent hours mastering hundreds of possibilities and features in this game, you won’t get anywhere far creating a modern city. Because you are acting as mayor, you will be faced with problems with education, water electricity, police, fire fighting, health care, and many more problems to solve. Furthermore, the problem of air pollution and wastewater will be an important factor in the sustainability of the city that you build. One of the things that are quite important in this game is traffic. As with real life, the bigger the city and the higher the population, the higher the level of congestion.
In the latest Cities Skylines PC Game that you can download in this article, it was already packed with Deluxe Edition DLC and every single content creator pack. Therefore, the game will be getting more extensive and has a variety of innovations. If you are confident with your management skills and ability to overcome all the problems. Well, this might be the most challenging game you will ever play. Get this latest update City Skylines game PC Fitgirl Repack DLC Deluxe Edition free download full version link below.
PC Game Cities Skylines Hotels & Retreats DLC
- Title: Cities: Skylines Industries
- Genre: Simulator, Strategy
- Developer: Colossal Order Ltd
- Publisher: Paradox Interactive
- Release Date: 10 Mar, 2015
- Latest DLC : Content Creator Pack Deluxe Edition
Cities Skylines System Requirement
- OS: Microsoft Windows 10, 8 , 7 (64 bit)
- Processor: Intel Core i5-3470, 3.00GHz or AMD FX-6300, 3.0Ghz
- Memory: 6 GB RAM
- Graphics: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 560, 1 GB
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 7 GB available space
How to Install Cities Skylines Full Version PC
- Download Game Cities Skylines
- Extract file with the newer version of Winrar extractor
- Run first, verify bin files before installation.bat
- While waiting, Download & Install Runtimepack
- If everything is OK, run setup.exe
- Wait until the installation process is complete
- Run the game from the desktop, run as administrator
- Enjoy city build and city simulator simulation games!
- Also Download : Jurassic World Evolution Full Version
Troubleshooting Game Installation Stuck & Error:
- During installation, do not open anything. Let the computer unpack the data
- Disable Antivirus and try to check if there is malware in windows with Malwarebytes Premium
- Turn off Windows defender realtime protection
- Uninstall all Redist 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 with CCleaner
- Disable AntiVirus and Disable UAC before installation
Cities Skylines PC Game Free Download + DLC v1.17

Link Download v1.17 | Mediafire | GoogleDrive | |
Password :
bang, ini udah full dlc kah?
bang 940mx kuat gak yaaa
kuat aja set low
Bang, main di graphic intel bisa ga sih bg?
thanks bang akhirnya aku bisa main ni game mengisi waktu luang pas pulang kerja
Thanks sudah visit di blog saya. 🙂
Bang kenapa ya udh ikutin tutor, tapi pas running game crash terus di loading game
1. Update Driver VGA
2. Update DirectX
3. Update VCredist Runtime C++
Bisa pake mod gak ?
Gak pernah coba om. Dicoba aja yah, nanti info yang lain disini. 🙂
Bang klo stuck itu biasanya kenapa ya?
Sebelum extract file dan install, matikan antivirus. Disable windows defender realtime protection.
bang kalo stuck terus di 65,3% gimana ya?
Bang ini bisa dipasang mod dan asset lainnya ga?
Min update citi skyline terbaru min yang v1.16
1.16 gbs pake mod, mending ini
mod 5 itu g bisa dipake bang?
stuck terus di 65,3% gabisa di install:(
sama bang
buatin tutorial di youtube lah bro, masih bingung saya cara download nya
Lihat artikel cara download disini om :
bang kalau di bagian loading map tiba tiba keluar kenapa yah bang mohon di jawab?
1. Update Driver VGA
2. Update Windows
3. Install Ulang
4. Run As Administrator
Bang, step nomer 3 tu maksudnya apa ya?
Itu fitur untuk verifikasi data aja sih. Gak dilakuin juga gapapa.
bang, yg versi mac nya ad gk bang?
Ada sih sebenernya. Cuma blum sempet upload. Termasuk the sims 4 juga ada buat mac.
dlc nya udh yg paling terbaru?
Paling terbaru gan! Gaskeun 😀
bang saya stuck di 65,3% pas instal padahal saya udh ngikutin step2 di atas. Sama case nya kayak orang yg di bawah saya
Biasanya kalo stuck gini ada beberapa sebab
1. Matiin Antivirus
2. Disable Windows Defender Real-time protection
3. Run As Administrator
4. Pastiin hardisk yg buat install masih sisa banyak
5. Check list Limit RAM 2GB pas awal
6. Unchecklist diretx dan vcredist
Instal stuck terus di 65,3% kenapa ya bang. sudah ikutin semua langkah
ko ad 3 file download an bang? cara install nya gimana dah heh
Pilih salah satu aja. Itu link downloadnya single part. Nanti extract dan tinggal di setup.exe aja.
Bingung cara downloadnya.
Monggo di cek lagi. Udah update versi terbaru deluxe edition dan link skrg lebih gampang.