Grand Theft Auto 5 PC Repack Full Crack Download
GTA 5 Full PC Game Free Download Repack – It is a controversial yet popular game among fans around the world. With a concept of free roaming, action adventure, Grand Theft Auto V was undoubtedly on of the best game ever made and also the latest series of this franchise. This game was developed by a large developer, Rockstar. They had been always succeeded in creating a popular game based on action adventure. If you have previously played GTA San Andreas or GTA IV, then you will definitely like the Grand Theft Auto V series.
Grand Theft Auto V (2015), 60.96GB ElAmigos release, game is already cracked after installation (crack by MrGoldberg). Updated to version 1.70 build 3407 (12.12.2024). Installation time with 16 threads CPU and SSD – 30 minutes. Credits to Razor12911. Only offline.
Even better when you prefer the PC game version compared to the console. You will not be disappointed with this game. The fact is that the GTA V for a PC game is still one of the most played out of computer and console gamers. You can check this yourself through the official steam page for the Grand Theft Auto V game. In this installment of GTA 5 Repack game, generally, nothing has changed from the original. Do you want to try playing this game? Download GTA 5 Repack Full Crack for pc now.
Grand Theft Auto V PC Game Information
Amidst the turmoil, three very different criminals plot their own chances of survival and success: Franklin, a street hustler looking for real opportunities and serious money. Michael, a professional ex-con whose retirement is a lot less rosy than he hoped it would be, and Trevor, a violent maniac driven by the chance of a cheap high and the next big score. Running out of options, the crew risks everything in a series of daring and dangerous heists that could set them up for life.
- Developer : Rockstar North
- Publisher : Rockstar Games
- Series : Grand Theft Auto
- Release date : 14 April 2015
- Genre : Action-adventure
- Mode : Single-player, multiplayer
- Based on v1.0.2545/1.58 Rockstar Club version 105 GB
- Mr.Goldberg SCE emu applied over
- Game version is v1.0.2545/1.58 Steam (multiplayer is not available!)
- 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
- Mirrors: Uptobox, Bayfiles, ZippyShare, KrakenFiles, PixelDrain
Grand Theft Auto 5 System Requirements
- OS: Support All Windows Version
- CPU: Intel i3 @ 2.8GHz
- Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 480 (1GB)
- RAM: 6 GB
- Hard Drive: 65 GB free space
- DirectX 10 compatible
How to Install Game Grand Theft Auto 5 Repack
- Download Grand Theft Auto V Repack Full PC Game
- Then extract file with Winrar v5.6
- Turn off Antivirus completely!
- Manually disable windows defender real time protection
- If everything is OK, go to setup.exe
- Unchecklist all Distributable Visual Studio
- Unchecklist also installs DirectX
- Wait until the installation process is complete
- Download & install VCredist C++ 2022 :
- ARM64 : vc_redist.arm64.exe
- 32 Bit : vc_redist.x86.exe
- 64 Bit : vc_redist.x64.exe
- Fix Error : Download DirectX Runtime
- Also download update v3407 and install by order
(v3179, v3274 and lastly v3407) - Run the GTA 5 Game from Desktop, Run As Administrator
Tips for newbie: Search on youtube “How to extract winrar Part” and “How to install GTA V repack”
GTA 5 Free Download PC Game Full

Installer @14Part | QiwiGG | Mediafire | |
Update v3407 | GoFile | Pixeldrain | Mediafire |
Password :
bang part 6 nya eror nih nanggung bgt
bang ada versi update v 1.70 build 3411 nggak?
Saya cek, belum ada build 3411. Terlalu minor kayaknya updatenya. Jadi gak rilis di crack.
bang, saya kena force close pas in game 3-5menit ada solusi bang?
bang update 3179 nya forbidden semua
Saya coba bisa kok gan?
saya klik link nya forbidden semua bang
Buzzheavier, PixelDrain, Mediafire – 33nya aman. Ga ada forbidden. Ini lagi di URL dimana kok tulisan forbidden.
gan,part 8 via krakenfile tidak ada(404) tolong diperbaiki.makasih min
gan via krakenfile banyak part yang tidak bisa didowload alias 404.perbaiki dong
bang ini versi brpa ya gta v nya.. klo yang versi lama ada ga bang biar ga berat gamenya.. soalny dlu pernah main smpe tamat trs gw uninstall skrng malah ga kuat pc gw
Udah mantiin antivirus dan windows defender?
tolong mas segera diperbaiki
gan ini kok D3DCOMPILER_43 sama XINPUT1_3 nya ga ada
itu setelah di download semua file partnya diapain sesduah nya?
Kalo udah install Winrar atau 7-Zip, klik kanan Part1 > Extract here. Nanti otomatis semua partnya kegabung dan muncul installernya setup.exe
Bang ini ekstrak nya semua file atau part 1 aja
Ini fitgirl repack ya?
Iya fitgirl repack masbroh. 😀
min kenapa pas di loading screen bintang 4 tiba tiba keluar mulu
Banyak sebab kalo force close di loading screen. Fix nya udah banyak kok di youtube atau google.
ko saya tiba2 gabisa buka ya? sebelumnya udah bisa dimaenin, trs besoknya pas mau maenin steam_apl64.dll ilang, trs udh di fixin tpi jadi gamau dibuka, solusinya gimana?
Masalah dari Windowsnya kayanya bro? Btw sekarang udah ada versi terbaru, download ulang lagi aja XD
Untuk yang error “isdone.dll”, harus update/install directx terbaru, downloadnya di situs microsoft.
bang pas extrak lu gimna? gua gk bisa extrak katanya apa gituh panjang bngt
Dan harus matiin antivirus, disable windows defender real time protection juga.
Bang tolong di perbaikin bang linknya,semua server mati bang dari gdrive sampe file upload
Semua linknnya sudah diperbaiki gan. Thanks infonya!
Bang kok konfirmasi keamanan di filecrypt salah Mulu ya puzzle nya, padahal udah sesuai sama bentukan puzzlenya bang tapi tetap salah… Tolong gimana itu bang…
Sekarang dah gak pake filecrypt. Di coba download ulang ya bro!
Bang, instalnya terus stuck di 28.5. Solusinya gimana ya?
om link 14-16 di Racaty dan FileUpload filenya hilang.
diGdrive traffic rame, bisa dibantu om
Size after installation berapa bang ?
gan ini harus download semua partnya?
bang pusing ane bacain koment bang!
Saya lebih pusing gan 🙂
Sore bang, file 14 hilang bang, mohon dibantu upload, thank u bang yasir
file 14 via FileUpload bang
Bisa pakai link lain gan untuk part 14. Sama aja kok link lainnya.
Bang kalau misalnya salah satu part tidak bisa didownload cara mengatasinya gmn yah?? ?terimakasih bang
gan saya lagi install, udah 13 jam tapi masih stuck di 28,5% kenapa ya?
spek :
ryzen 7 3750h
gtx 1650
8gb ram
download ulang lagi gan,saya juga gitu.Biasanya waktu pertama kali download memang seperti itu
Bang saya udah coba download 3 part langsung di google drive tapi tulisannya “zip failed” terus, gimana ya bang? kalau satu satu kena limit terus
tadi nyoba 1 1, malah gabisa download, acces denied
Bang ini kenapa error pas start ya the application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000007b)
Ada single link google drive ga? download pake yang lain lama bisa 1 jam per part
sementara google drive cuma 5 menit 1 part
udah googling cara mengatasi download exceed tapi tetep gabisa , bahkan copy’an nya juga exceed
Sekali download langsung 3 part gan gmn gan? Bisa max kan speednya.
solved thanks !
ini extract semua part atau cuma part1 aja trus run setup ?
Digabung semua part dalam satu folder. Baru di extract part1 aja gan. Otomatis semua tergabung jadi satu.
Bang ini versi berapa ya?
bang pass waktu di filecrypt apa bang ? wkwkwk
Passwordnya sama semua gannn. Sesuai yg sudah ditulis di artikel.
kalau pakai cara shortcut ttp terkena limit, pakai cara “add Starred” terus “make copy” setelah itu baru download. Sudah dicoba dr part1 sampai akhir lancar semua kok. thanks bro yasir
Gan, kena limit google, tp mau pake cara sesuai trik tetep hanya share shortcut, percuma
Memang shortcut gan. Nanti dari shortcut itu, masuk ke my drive. Klik kanan file shortcut itu, make a copy.
gan punya saya kok jadi eror pas install nya ISDone.dll file eror code : 1 ?
padahal udah update dll terus install yang lain aman cuma gta ini aja yang eror kena dll
antivirus udah mati total
Coba install Runtimepack gan.
min kok gabisa download dr Gdrive ya?
Mungkin kena limit gan? Lihat google cara mengatasi limit google drive
link banyak yang not found min,percuma dah download banyak part
Pakai link lain gan. Semua part yg ada di setiap link itu sama aja. Racaty, fileupload bisa dipake semua.
Sama aja gan,not found semua,GD kek,racaty, file upload
Part 6 keatas
bisa minta file (fg-06.bin) nya gak? disaya filenya bad.
kirim link aja ntar saya download. plss
mau tanya, kalo misalnya nih, udah terinstall dan gamenya bisa,
tapi gw mau beli versi steamnya, apa gw harus download ulang atau bisa pake yg crack an ini?
Harus download ulang gan. Game di steam versinya udah yang baru. 🙂
cara extract nya gimana om 16 part
gan link gdrive part 7 sama 12 nyala tp gagal terus. ada alternative gdrive lain? klo dari server lain downloadnya lama bgt. tks
Sbnrnya Racaty dan fileupload itu kenceng gan. Downloadnya harus pakai IDM.
bang install stuck di 28.5 persen bang, padahal ssd kosong 100gb lebih, solusi bang
pc saya ryzen 5 3600u vega 8 dengan ram 8 bang makasih
Install nya berapa lama bang?
min dlcnya ada semua gak? mau download tapi gak tau dlc apa aja
om, link nya mati smua, tolong aktifkan lg dong…..mau donlod nih
Link sudah di perbaiki ya gan. thx
yang Gdrive mati min
bang link gd 1 eror?