GTA San Andreas PC Free Download (Windows)
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas PC Free Download Full Crack (Original Game) – This game is the 5th installment in the Grand Theft Auto franchise that they have been working on since 1997. Originally, GTA San Andreas was only released for PlayStation 2 in October 2004, and then continued to Xbox, Xbox 360, Android, iOS and Microsoft Windows. The game soon became the highest selling game on PlayStation 2 with overwhelmingly positive reviews. Thanks to that, when the PC version was released, gamers immediately bought and download gta san andreas full version game.
Through the game’s storyline, CJ (Main Character) slowly uncovers the plot behind his mother’s murder case. While growing his business and expanding his green gang. We will also be given many cool side missions that can unlock various secrets in the world of GTA San Andreas. As for character development, we can do various activities to strengthen CJ in terms of physical strength and endurance. You can also try alternative games, such as the latest Mafia III which is certainly similar to this game.
Even though this game is an old school one, but the fan base of GTA San Andreas never faded. Until now, there are still many Modder and players who play this game for enjoyment. Moreover, some YouTubers still using this game as their creative content. If you have never played GTA San Andreas PC Games, what’s wrong with you guys? Hurry up, Download GTA San Andreas Full Crack Free PC Games that already supports Windows 11. Last time I tried playing on Windows 11 v23H2 build 22631.3737 and the game still runs fine.
PC Game Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Information
- Release Date : 2004 – 2005
- Genre : Action, Adventure, Free Roaming
- Developer : Rockstar north
- Publisher : Rockstar games
- Crack Type : Full Version
- Language : English
- Title : Download GTA SA PC full version free
GTA San Andreas Minimum System Requirements
- Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP/7/Vista
- Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo 1.3 GHz
- Memory RAM : 512 MB
- Video : NVIDIA GeForce 6800
- Sound Card : Device compatible with DirectX
- Storage : 8 GB
How to Install GTA San Andreas Full Crack PC Game
- Download GTA SA PC Full Crack Game pada link dibawah
(Links Fixed December 2023) - Extract gtasanfurr.rar file with Winrar 7.01
- After extracting, you enter the GTA SA folder
- Run the gta sa.exe file to directly play
- A graphic card selection and playing resolution will appear
- Just press OK
- If you are interested, you can try installing the GTA SA Indo Extreme v7 Mod
(Installation step is inside the file) - Enjoy the game bro! Link Fixed : June 2024
Also Download : Grand Theft Auto 5 Full Repack
Download Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Full Crack PC

Link Download | GoogleDrive | DooDrive | DirectLink | GoFile
Extreme Mod | Mediafire | DirectLink | DooDrive |
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gan, di installan ini kok engga ada pesawat lautnya yaa? nyoba pake mod spawner gitu langsung ngecrash waktu mau spawn pesawat lautnya
bang tolong update link nya
Semua link masih berfungsi kok.
Kok gak bisa disave gamenya gimana yah caranya
Save game kan harus dirumah, tidur dikasur om?
Tapi kok tetap tidak bisa min save dirumah katannya eror terus itu harus ngapain yah min
Bagaimana untuk mengatasi eror sav file dirumah min??
Bisa lihat youtube. how to fix gta san andreas can’t save
iya aku juga, save failed, padahal udah banyak ngerjain misi
bg tolong diupdate linknya kosong
Link sudah diperbaiki ya gan. Thanks infonya.
kok ga bisa ya min yasir
ini mousenya kok gabisa gerak ya ?
sama bang
Bang ini audio pas nyalain radio ada gak, soalnya yg udah2 saya download GTA SA Pc, suka nggak ada audio pas di radionya
linknya nggak ada gan ๐
Link sudah diperbaiki kok gan.
Link modar gannn!!!
bang kok saya gak bisa downlod
pake stick bisa gk nih kayak ps2?
ini gta sa versi berapa ya bang?
Ini GTA SA yang original masbro. Yang paling sering di pake youtuber buat mod.
Apakah ini berfungsi di Windows 8?
Apalagi Windows 8, masih jalan banget harusnya.
Apakah ini berfungsi di Windows 11?
Ini kan versi original (yang bisa di mod), tapi harusnya tetep berfungsi dengan baik.
mouse nggak berfungsi
stuck di newgame gimana ya
mohon bantuannya, mau ganti resolusi gabisa ya min ?
Ini versi terbaru?
Terakhir saya download, masih versi 1.08. Dan seingat saya, versi terbaru itu versi 3.0
GTA San Andreas yg terbaru itu versi trilogy. Alias versi remake official. Kalo yg ini versi original, biasa dipake buat Mod, gta samp kaya di youtube2.
tolong infonya dong, gta sa ini bisa dipake main di windows 10 gak ya?
dulu saya pernah install ini di w10 saya, tp pas mau ngesave in-game kok gakbisa disave entah karena apa. tolong ada yg bisa bantu?
jelas bisa di Windows 10 gan, kalo save game itu entah, kalo file savegamenya ada di folder Documents
Bisa mas pak. Windows 11 juga masih jalan kok.
Tolong update untuk yang sudah install, mousenya jalan nggak ya?
Saya download di beberapa situs, mouse di menu lancar, tapi ingame nggak jalan, sudah coba semua tips trick tetap tidak bisa.
Pas saya tulis artikel ini dan coba gamenya, main lancar2 aja sih. Windows 10 dulu. Harusnya di Windows 11 juga masih aman.
Download fixnya disini mas
nanti pilih versi biar bisa jalan
gan, Request save2 an data “complete all mision” game san andreasnya bisa?
biar nggak perlu nyelesaiin misi satu2 lagi
cari di gtainside gan pasti ada gan
for who not working, try some links, me worked 3th link,
3rd keles bukan 3th
so inggris lu
owala town hall kali ya yang kamu maksud
i cant download san andreas and any thing
Link updated! It is now easy to download.
i cant download san andreas
Kok mousenya gk ngefek?…
Download file dll tambahan bang,,-32
Versi ๐
Punya saya kok stuck ya pas pilih new game?
mantap, klo update terus jadi situs langganan
Sudah update terus gan. Thanks
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