Download Resident Evil 4 PC Game HD Full Free
Download Resident Evil 4 PC Game Free Full HD Edition v1.1.0 to play as Leon S. Kennedy whose on his way to save USA President’s daughter. While Leon was trying to find the kidnapped daughter within a village in Europe, he was facing a dangerous threat from zombies named Las Plagas. Moreover, all of its villagers were brainwashed by Los Illuminados, a weird yet mysterious cult behind the kidnapping accident.
RE 4 is one of the old games that capcom released decades ago. But recently, they were started to provide the fan base a new HD Ultimate edition with new texture and graphics. There are many improvements to its graphics, such as new environment texture, character clarity, and objects. You can also play RE 4 in 60fps while staying on 4K resolution. RE 4 Ultimate HD Edition now also works better with an ultra-widescreen monitor. Check out, Resident Evil 4 Game Free Download HD Ultimate Full Crack now.
If we look at the comparison of the image below, you will see that the HD version looks much more clearer. Every object will look sharper with its new texture quality. Furthermore, with the characters played and the zombie enemies, everything looks creepier than the original. I think this HD release version is perfect for those of you who want to reminisce on this amazing old school game.
We have seen Resident Evil 2 Remake and also RE3 getting its remake version. While this RE 4 just getting an HD texture update, gamers still waiting for the latest news. Maybe, RE4 will also be getting its remake with new graphics, gameplay, and addons added to the game. Resident Evil 4 crack is also included inside the download content.
PC Game Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition
- Title: Resident Evil 4 HD Edition
- Genre: FPS, Action, Horror, mystery
- Developer: Capcom
- Publisher: Capcom
- Release Date: 28 Feb, 2014
- File Size: 11 GB / Part Link
Resident Evil 4 System Requirements
- OS: Windows XP/ Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 Ghz or better, AMD Athlon X2 2.8 Ghz or better
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTS or better, ATI Radeon HD 4850 or better
- DirectX: Version 9.0c
- Storage: 15 GB available space
Installation Step For Resident Evil 4 HD Edition PC Game
- Download Resident Evil 4 HD Edition Free Game
- Run the setup.exe file to start the installation
- When finished, copy all the files in the crack folder
- Paste where the game is installed
- Run the game and have fun playing
- Also Download : Resident Evil 2 Remake Full Crack HD
Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition Free Download

Link Download | Google Drive | MegaNZ | Pixeldrain |
Password :
-bang yasir, error mau play game nya “The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000906). Click OK to close the application”
-kan udah download semua part nya. apakah tiap bin 2 pindah ke folder extract part 1, bin 3 pindah ke folder extract part 1 dan seterusnya?
-setup nya yang di jalankan yang dari part 1 atau semuanya?
mohon bantuan nya bang trims
1. Download semua part
2. Taro semua part di satu folder
3. Extract part 1 aja, otomatis semua part akan kegabung
4. Install setup.exe
bro i have problem when i extract file part 1 please help me
Bang, karakter Leon sama item2 gak keluar warna nya / hitam. Solusinya apa bang?
Udh dpt solusinya blm bro. Gw juga sama ini
Ini di extract semua bang file part nya apa gmn?
Udah copy cracknya kok tetep ada tulisan steam must be running?
Bang, upload cracknya aja bang. Punya saya kehapus
bang, file cracknya di copy kemana bang???
ini bisa buat windows 11 ga bang?
Saya cek kemarin bisa jalan kok. Kalopun gabisa, bisa coba compatibility mode (search aja di google)
gw buka dari bin nya trus tapi gabisa kebuka samsek
Hmm cracknya udah di copy? Pake windows apa dan build berapa?
bang kok re nya gamau ke buka sih?
steam must running, gimana solusinya
Cracknya bro belom di copy dan replace itu. huft
kehapus sama win security bang lupa saya non aktifkan, kalo bisa upload yang crack only aj dong bang
bang saya kan udah hapus gamenya, tapi di check di Nvidia control panel folder resident evil4.exe nya masih ada. Gimana bang hapusnya ?
Uninstallnya belum bersih, pake Revo Uninstaller aja.
sir, steam must be running nih. perbaikin crack nya dong.
Di konten Indonesia. Banyak yang berhasil main, nanya save datanya dimana. Copynya belum bener kali om. Btw ini section bahasa inggris.
gabisa di install insert disk volume2 mulu
Bro, ini gamenya nggak mau save, jadi hanya bisa save di awal, terus pas mau save lagi malah balik lagi ke save an awal.
Bukan savean yang seharusnya baru di save
mas crack please !
harus install steam juga apa gimana min? kok ada warning “steam must be running”?
Crack sudah di copy? Install aja Steam coba juga, gampang kok tinggal download.
Min ini gak perlu pakai pcsx2 kan?
Min Bisa Update Ulang Resident Evil 4 Yang Sebelum HD nya ga?
pass winrarnya apa nih min ?
Kan sudah saya tulis di artikel gan passwordnya 🙂
Bang mau tanya, kalau pas amin karakternya hitam sama warna lingkungannya gelap kenapa ya. Saya pake Windows 11 Intel i5 12th.