Download PES 2018 Game Patch Terbaru Yasir252

Download PES 2018 Patch Terbaru Fitgirl Repack

Download PES 2018 full version repack pc game update terbaru hanya disini. Sobat sekalian pecinta olahraga, pastinya sudah tau game pro evolution soccer kan? Netizen sering menyingkatkan nama game ini menjadi PES 2018. Pro evolution soccer adalah game simulator pertandingan sepak bola yang dibuat oleh perusahaan besar konami. Jika kita melihat review, PES selalu menjadi game sport terbaik di dunia, meskipun harus sering kali beradu performa dulu dengan lawan saingnya FIFA.

Admin hanya bisa mengatakan satu hal, good job buat Konami. Karena seiring perkembangan development game Pro evolution soccer, sekarang kita bisa semakin menikmati game ini. Mulai dari grafis yang sangat bagus, mekanik gaming yang sangat realistis, dan sistem yang semakin mendekati aslinya. Jika sekarang versi terbarunya, PES 2018, sudah memiliki kualitas fantastis seperti ini, apa jadinya jika game ini terus di kembangkan 10 tahun kedepan? Admin udah engga sabar mau main update versi diatas Pro evolution soccer 2018 di masa yang akan datang. Buat kalian yang mau download pes 2018, silahkan cek link dibawah ya.

Download Juga PES 2018 Data Pack, PTE Patch 5.0 + World Cup Russia

Apa yang terbaru di PES 2018?

  • Gameplay Masterclass – Strategic Dribbling, Real Touch+ and new set pieces take the unrivalled gameplay to the next level
  • Presentation Overhaul – New menus and real player images
  • Pro Evolution Soccer League Integration – Compete with PES League in new modes including myClub
  • Online Co-op -A mode dedicated to co-op play is newly added
  • Random Selection Match – Fan favourite returns with new presentation and features
  • Master League Upgrade – New pre-season tournaments, improved transfer system, presentations and functionality
  • Enhanced Visual Reality – New lighting, reworked player models and animations covering everything from facial expressions to body movement to bring the game to life

Download Game PES 2018 Fitgirl Repack Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 Terbaru Gratis Download Game PES 2018 Terbaru Gratis

PES 2018 Repack Features

  • Based on Pro.Evolution.Soccer.2018-CPY ISO release: cpy-pes2018.iso (26,406,516,736 bytes)
  • Update v1.0.5.00 with Data Pack 4.0 applied over (2.8 GB)
  • Pro.Evolution.Soccer.2018.V1.05.Crack.Only.V3-Voksi (109 MB) applied over
  • 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
  • NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
  • Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from cumulative 27.8 to 8.9~15 GB, depending on selected languages)
  • Installation takes: ~13 minutes on 8-threads CPU; ~25 minutes on 4-threads CPU; ~50 minutes on 2-threads CPU
  • After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
  • HDD space after installation: up to 28 GB (depending on selected commentary packs)

System Requirements

  • OS : Windows 7 SP1/8.1/10 – 64bit.
  • CPU : Intel Core i5-3450(3.10 GHz) / AMD FX 4100(3.60 GHz)
  • RAM : 8 GB
  • VGA : NVIDIA GTX 650 / AMD Radeon HD 7750
  • VRAM : 2 GB
  • DirectX : 11.0
  • Hard Drive Space Required : 30 GB
  • Resolution : 1280 x 720

Cara Install Game PES 2018 Gratis

  1. Disable Anti virus, soalnya nanti gamenya akan kedetek virus false positif.
  2. Extract semua file dari Part 1
  3. kemudian klik kanan setup, pilih run as administrator
  4. Install game pro evolution soccer 2018 seperti biasa
  5. Ceklist “Limit Installer to 2 Gb of RAM usage ” apabila RAM kamu dibawah 8 GB
  6. Langsung next aja untuk lanjut
  7. Download dan Install Pes 2018 Smoke Patch v18.4
  8. Lalu update lagi ke Patch v18.4.2 (Update Sep 2022)
  9. Ikutin cara installnya dari situs Smoke Patch
  10. Selesai setup dan patch, mainkan game dari desktop

Masalah Installasi PES 2018 Error

  1. Download pes 2018 dari link dibawah
  2. Sebelum install verify dulu semua file bin repack ini
  3. Saat installasi, jangan buka apapun. Biarkan komputer melakukan Unpacking data
  4. Coba checklist install dengan setting LIMIT RAM 2GB
  5. Disable Antivirus dan coba cek apa ada malware di windows dengan Malwarebytes Premium
  6. Disable windows 10 defender sepenuhnya
  7. Uninstall Semua Redist 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 dengan CCleaner
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  8. Saran dari fitgirl : Disable AntiVirus and Disable UAC before installation, run setup.exe as admin with Windows 7 compatibility.
  9. Saat selesai installasi, screenshoot Hasil Check File Integrity dan post di kolom komentar

Udah Tau Belum? Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 Repack

Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 Repack Gratis

Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 Repack Gratis</h3>

Link Download | P30Server | DownloadHA | DLfox |

Patch 2022 v18.4 | Pixeldrain | Mediafire | |

Password : 📋

File Name File Size
RAR Compressed +12 GB
Last Update: May 2018

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